Rabu, 05 Februari 2020

Preventing of Grey Hair with Indian walnut / Candlenut oil

Hair problem that makes many people annoyed besides falling out, dry, and branching is the appearance of gray hair. Especially if the gray hair appears at a young age.

Actually the appearance of gray hair at a young age is included as one of the signs of premature aging. However, you should not have to worry because these problems can be overcome with
Indian walnut/Candlenut oil.

The benefits of
Indian walnut oil for hair are obtained from the presence of vitamin E as an antioxidant that works to prevent signs of premature aging, one of which is gray hair.

To get the benefits of
Indian walnut oil for this hair, you can do routine maintenance by applying it to the entire bar to the tip of the hair regularly. That way the gray hair will slowly disappear.

How to make
Indian walnut oil

How to make pecan by burning is not difficult. However, because it is burned, when using it during maintenance, avoid clothing because it will make the
Indian walnut burn.

1. Prepare
Indian walnut seeds that have been completely peeled from their shells.

2. Burn the
Indian walnut seeds until they are completely charred like making charcoal.

3. After the
Indian walnut seeds are burnt, continue by blending the Indian walnut seeds until the oil comes out.

4. Put the
Indian walnut oil in a closed container.

How to Make
Indian walnut/Candlenut Oil with Squeezed

1. Prepare
Indian walnut seeds that have been completely peeled from their shells.

2. You can choose by grating the seeds of
Indian walnut or by blending them.

3. After shredded or blended, squeeze the
Indian walnut seeds while adding water little by little.

4. Put the
Indian walnut/candlenut juice in a closed container for 24 hours straight.

5. Then cook the juice of the pecan seeds until the oil comes out.

6. The disadvantage of this method is that the resulting
Indian walnut oil is only a small amount and requires a long time.

7. But the oil produced will be clear so that it will not pollute anything.

How to Make
Indian walnut Oil with Roasted

1. Prepare
Indian walnut seeds that have been completely peeled from their shells.

2. Toasted
Indian walnut seeds in a pan without oil until cooked.

3. Roasted
Indian walnut/candlenut seeds are then ground into powder or blended.

4. Then after the
Indian walnut seeds are mashed, squeeze them using water.

10 Unexpected Benefits of Drinking Baking Soda and Water Mixes

Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) we know as an ingredient in cakes or pastries has other benefits, which relieve symptoms of many health problems such as diarrhea, acidity, drug toxicity in the body, metabolic acidosis and stomach ulcers.

Baking soda is also known to have antipuritic properties and also makes our skin look healthier and more radiant. Materials containing sodium are also considered to prevent hyperkalemia, kidney stones and bladder infections.

You need to know, drinking baking soda mixture with water regularly can give the body a number of health benefits:

1. Neutralize stomach acid. The body turns into acid due to unhealthy eating patterns, well to outsmart it, drink a mixture of baking soda and water to neutralize acidity and restore pH balance.

2. Relieve heartburn. Heartburn is caused by acid buildup in the body. When this acid enters the esophagus, you will experience discomfort such as burning sensation in the digestive tract. This baking soda is specifically designed to neutralize acid at its source, so that heartburn subsides and the digestive system functions better.

3. Eliminating urinary tract infections / UTI. If someone has a UTI, then what is needed is to drink baking soda with a mixture of water regularly until the infection can be cured. If symptoms persist, then you should consult a doctor to rule out other indications of emergence.

4. Relieves gout. This health disorder is inflammation of the joints caused by the formation of uric acid in the body. Drinking baking soda mixed with water will help relieve gout, because this prevents the accumulation of acid in the body.

5. Reducing feverish symptoms due to flu. This is a natural remedy that can be consumed against colds and fever. Baking soda can kill viruses effectively if consumed in the early stages of infection.

6. Relieve kidney stones. A buildup of uric acid can cause kidney stones. So, try drinking baking soda with a mixture of water regularly to dissolve stones and prevent the formation of new kidney stones.

7. Improve physical performance. Baking soda can help improve physical performance because it contains the alkalinity of sodium bicarbonate which actively reduces the levels of lactic acid produced by the muscles, thus allowing the body and exercise to be harder and longer.

8. Itching. Baking soda can help reduce discomfort due to sunburn, allergic rashes and any allergen-affected skin. Mix one teaspoon of baking soda with water, then gently rub into the skin to get better results.

Also read: Natural Drink Recipe for Losing 7 Kilograms in a Month

9. Prevent cancer. Baking soda can increase the pH of acid tumors without affecting the pH balance of healthy tissue and blood, which was noted in a study.

Baking soda can also be used as a nutritional and immune enhancing tool for cancer sufferers. This is one of the health benefits of baking soda and water.

10. Reducing pain. Baking soda neutralizes stomach acid and is the perfect remedy for ulcers. Drink a glass of water with 1-2 tablespoons of baking soda to relieve symptoms and pain associated with ulcers.

Treating the Herpes Virus with Baking Soda

Herpes is a disease that occurs in the skin of the body. Because including infectious diseases, so it is needed specifically about how to treat herpes.

The mode of transmission of herpes caused by the Human Herpes Virus (HPV) is through contact. There are at least 8 types of viruses, but in general what often happens to humans is herpes simplex and zoster.

Herpes simplex is included in the category of venereal disease. While shingles attacks the skin on body parts. People who have had chickenpox will usually get shingles, provided the immune system is down.

So, how to treat herpes naturally? The following is a review of HR Online quoted from Halosehat.

How to treat herpes naturally by using baking soda. Ingredients that are usually used for cooking or making cakes are very effective in overcoming herpes. In addition, pain and itching due to herpes can disappear.

How to make natural medicine using baking soda is not difficult. Simply prepare baking soda and cotton, then the cotton that has been given this baking soda paste around the infected area. It aims to dry the wound.

This cotton should be replaced with a new one, the goal is that baking soda is not contaminated by infections that cause herpes.

Baking Soda Can Cure Cancer

A new study found that baking soda can help cure cancer by targeting cells.

Drinking a mixture of baking sofa and warm water can cure cancer.

 Every disease is the result of damage to cells, no matter what the disease, whether it's a common cold or mental illness or a serious condition such as cancer. Cell damage occurs when there are deficiencies, such as nutritional deficiencies or it could be due to toxicity (excessive poisoning).

For women, the most common cancer is breast or lung cancer whereas for men it is usually prostate, lung, and colon cancer. Even cervical, kidney, and pancreatic cancers have increased over time in men and women.

Cancer is associated with lifestyle factors such as smoking, being overweight, and due to alcohol consumption. Consuming baking soda with water helps control tumor growth and spread of cancer cells.

A new study found that baking soda can help cure cancer by targeting cells. It tries to activate tumor cells by making it easier to detect and slow down their growth.

Supplements such as magnesium chloride, iodine, sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), and vitamin C have a very high level of goodness without side effects when compared to drugs, which are dangerous even in low doses.

Baking soda is a natural substance that is used for various purposes in every household. But no one has ever understood that this herb can cure the body and prevent cancer as well.

Cancer cells in cancer patients are usually crowded especially when there is a large number of lysis in the patient. And the level of this tiered debris is not eaten by the surrounding cells and this can later be dangerous for lung cancer or brain cancer patients, because the collective amount of remaining cancerous cell debris is considered very dangerous.

A study has found that baking soda can fight cancer when trying to make cells inside a tumor function better and make it easier for chemotherapy drugs to kill. Scientists at the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research have proven that baking soda, which is precisely used in the kitchen is an effective ingredient for cancer treatment. It helps the body to fight the effects of cancerous acid tumors.

Here are the reasons how baking soda can cure cancer.

Cancer is usually caused by a poison called Candida. However, baking soda can kill Candida bacteria as sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) is alkaline. Candida is said to interfere with the whole body, but, more importantly, cancer cannot survive in an alkaline environment. The quality of alkalinization can effectively eliminate microbes.

Increase Cell Activity
People who have problems with acid pH will have problems with cell physiology and, what's more, even an unhealthy diet will create an acidic pH condition. When there is an unbalanced pH level it will disconnect cellular activity which can ultimately lead to serious health problems such as cancer, diabetes, and heartburn.

Biological life can only function better if it is not acidic and nothing is better than using baking soda. Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) is a natural compound that is very helpful in various ways. Drinking water with baking soda is said to increase cell activity in tumors.

Improve Cellular Health
Most people who drink alkaline drinks every night have succeeded in reducing the symptoms of chemical sensitivity. Protects against inflammation and prevents the toxic permeation of cancer cells into the body's organs. There are many factors that can cause cancer, such as free radical damage, UV rays, and chemical poisons when they try to disrupt cell metabolism.

Improve health
Strangely, baking soda has the power to improve health. A teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in a glass of 8 ounces of water helps in protecting cells. Drinking this twice a week will make cells less exposed to carcinogenic substances that try to stimulate cancer. Eating baking soda with water can be beneficial and if you don't like the taste, add a little lemon or honey to it.

Fungus attack
The cure for cancer is about alkalizing the body and baking soda has the ability to attack fungi directly. This is a natural substance that does not harm children or the environment. This is a neutralizer that is very useful as a drug in an age of toxicity

Baking Soda Therapy for Diabetes Ketoacidosis

Baking Soda Therapy for Diabetes Ketoacidosis. Untreated diabetes can develop diabetic complications of ketoacidosis that acidify the body, baking soda or sodium bicarbonate can balance the body's PH.

Diabetic ketoacidosis is one of the complications of diabetes characterized by nausea or vomiting, dry mouth, fruit breathing, deep breathing and abdominal pain.

Diabetic ketoacidosis occurs when fat and protein are used as the body's main energy source to produce large quantities of ketones, accumulate and acidify body fluids, which can be neutralized by sodium bicarbonate therapy or baking soda.

Sodium bicarbonate is available in various forms, such as solutions, powders, tablets or capsules.
Benefits of baking soda for diabetics

Diabetics are prone to ketoacidosis due to carbohydrate restriction and the body's inability to metabolize glucose.

In a normal body, carbohydrates are converted by the body into glucose, functioning as the body's main energy source. However, the diabetic body starts the process of lipolysis and proteolysis, or fat and protein metabolism.

As a result of these two mechanisms, the liver releases ketones that accumulate in body fluids, which increases the acidity of body fluids.

A pH level below 7.0 indicates the onset of ketoacidosis. Baking soda or sodium bicarbonate is alkaline which will neutralize the acidity of the blood and urine thereby returning the pH level to 7.4.

A body fluid pH level greater than 7.0 will reactivate insulin function, resume glucose metabolism and stop the process of lipolysis and proteolysis.
Baking soda improves liver and pancreas function

High body acidity is a condition that weakens all body systems. Excess acidity forces the body to neutralize it by borrowing minerals - including sodium, calcium, potassium and magnesium - from vital organs and bones. As a result, the body can experience ‘corrosive’

The pancreas is one of our organs which is responsible for "alkalinization of the body". Very acidic pH levels place a risk for the pancreas, liver and all organs of the body.

The liver also plays a role in removing acid waste from the body, liver function becomes very bad, very risky when acid accumulates. If acidity prevents the liver and pancreas from regulating blood sugar, the risk of diabetes will increase.

Consuming baking soda or sodium bicarbonate can neutralize the acidity of body fluids if taken with the correct dosage according to doctor's recommendations.
Baking soda prevents kidney failure, blindness and gangrene

Sodium bicarbonate will neutralize body acidity. An incorrect pH balance puts diabetics at greater risk of complications such as kidney failure, gangrene and blindness.

Diabetes suffers from excess glucose in the bloodstream, glucose cannot be sent properly to cells because the body lacks insulin.

The liver absorbs more excess glucose, thus interfering with its ability to get rid of toxins from the body. As toxins multiply, the level of acid in the body increases.

The acid can stick to and harden the cell walls thereby preventing cells from absorbing nutrients. Finally, cells die due to malnutrition, causing blindness and gangrene.

Blood that is too acidic causes kidney failure if left untreated. Chronic blood acidity causes growth retardation, kidney stones, bone disease, chronic kidney disease, and possible total kidney failure.

The goal of baking soda therapy is to neutralize acids in the blood, and this is done by sodium bicarbonate and oral injection.
Side effects

A study, "Journal of the American Society of Nephrology" published a study in 2009 that reported that diabetic ketoacidosis treatment with sodium bicarbonate therapy had been linked to death.

This is due to the side effects of using baking soda continuously so that there is a decrease in pressure and a decrease in blood output in the heart.
Prevention of side effects

To avoid the side effects of baking soda, add the right combination of fresh vegetable juice to help the body eliminate excessive acid or base waste.

Limit refined carbohydrates from your food. Processed carbohydrates not only disrupt your blood sugar balance, but also increase your body's acidity.

Discuss this problem with your doctor who treats diabetes.