Rabu, 20 Desember 2017

Various Benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil A.K.A VCO

Coconut oil generally gets a stigma because it contains high saturated fats. However, there are actually many benefits of coconut oil, especially the type of coconut oil called virgin coconut oil (Coconut Oil).
Unlike vegetable oils, Coconut Oils containing 92% of medium chain fatty acids can continue to be absorbed through the intestinal wall as they arrive at the gastrointestinal tract, this process is faster because without going through hydrolysis and enzymatic processes. Furthermore, directly supplied into the bloodstream and directly carried into the liver to be metabolized. In the heart of the Coconut Oil is processed into energy only, not cholesterol and fat deposits, energy is used to improve the function of all endoktrin glands, organs and tissues.
Coconut Oil can be used on various foods or used to beautify hair and skin.
Here are the benefits and benefits of Coconut Oil for health:
1. Lauric acid
Coconut Oil contains almost 50 percent lauric acid, a medium chain fatty acid with various health benefits. Breast milk is another important source of lauric acid.
2. Antimicrobials
Because of the high content of lauric acid, Coconut Oil has antimicrobial, antifungal, and antiviral properties.
The body converts lauric acid into a monolaurin responsible for the destruction of the virus.
Coconut Oil is also believed to slow the growth of the virus in HIV / AIDS patients.
3. Immune system
Lauric acid found in breast milk helps babies fight infections.
Lauric acid in the Coconut Oil is also able to strengthen the immune system so that the body is more protected against disease.
Because the adult diet is generally low in lauric acid, Coconut Oil is an easy and powerful source for boosting the immune system.
4. Good cholesterol
Coconut Oil can lower bad cholesterol levels while promoting an increase in HDL or good cholesterol.
A 1980 study by Dr. Hostmark showed that mice that ate 10 percent Coconut Oil resulted in less bad cholesterol and more good cholesterol than rats whose diet consisted of 10 percent sunflower oil.
5. Super Antibiotics
The effect of modern medicine is the emergence of strains of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics.
A 2005 study by Georgetown University showed that lauric acid in Coconut Oil was able to treat bacterial infections in mice better than ordinary antibiotics.
6. Good For pregnant and lactating mothers
Advice parents old age to consume coconut oil, there is truth because coconut oil has a remarkable content. In addition to killing various harmful microorganisms of MCFA (lauric acid, caprylic acid, capric acid, oleic acid, myristic acid, palmitic acid) acids in Coconut Oil also provide the energy needed when the baby is born.
Some experience says that the consumption of Coconut Oil during pregnancy gives a very good effect for the baby, not only when in the womb the baby is healthier, but when born the baby in a clean and healthy. In addition Coconut Oil makes milk production becomes more and more quality.
7. Maintain heart health and blood vessels. Research shows the relationship of heart disease and blood vessels & viral / bacterial infections that will lead to the formation of plaque in blood vessels .. Because Coconut Oil is antibacterial / virus it can help prevent the formation of plaque by killing microorganisms p incetus plaque.
In addition, one cause of heart disease is high blood cholesterol levels. Cholesterol buildup caused by excessive consumption of fat in the daily menu so that the excess is stored in the body. In Coconut Oil there is MCFA that is easily metabolized to produce energy not dumped as body fat. In addition, routine consumption of Coconut Oil also prevents the occurrence of blood coagulation (due to platelet aggregation) and prevents the occurrence of narrowing of blood vessels (atherosclerosis).
8. Osteoporosis Osteoporosis is a degenerative disease due to lack of calcium so bone becomes porous. Osteoporosis can be caused by oxidized free radicals in the bone formation process. Free radicals can be overcome by the saturated fat content contained in the Coconut Oil. Coconut Oil fatty acids act as antioxidants, thus protecting bone from radical al-free bone destruction.
One of the antioxidants in Coconut Oil is the sterol compound. This substance is like fat and is useful in the formation of pregnenolone. As for its function among others to produce progesterone for Woman. For women the availability of progesterone is very important because the imbalance of the amount of progesterone and estrogen will cause osteoporosis.
Consumption of Coconut Oil also good sagat help the process of absorbing minerals essential for bone that is calcium and magnesium.
9. Diabetes Mellitus (Diabetes) Diabetes mellitus is also known as diabetes. Symptoms of diabetes usually occur due to accumulation of glucose in the blood so issued with urine. In this condition the production of insulin from the pancreas decreases so that the metabolism is disturbed. This causes glucose can not enter the cell so the blood glucose concentration increases. These glucose deposits can not be utilized to produce energy and are ultimately discarded with urine.
Insulin functions to convert glucose into energy for cells. Blood glucose can not be directly used as energy must be transferred first into the cell through the process of oxidation in the cell. In addition, insulin also converts glucose into reserve energy (glycogen and fat). If abundant blood glucose is converted into glycogen and stored in the liver and muscles. While fat is stored in fat tissue. MCFA content in the Coconut Oil is able to stimulate the production of insulin that helps the process of glucose conversion into energy for the cell.
In addition, Coconut Oil does not require insulin to be burned to produce energy so it is very beneficial for people with diabetes who have experienced insulin body deficiency. At the time of burned Coconut Oil also burnt glucose and fat that had been buried so that blood sugar levels are relatively normal.     10. Liver Virus hepatitis is a virus that has a fat envelope on the outside so difficult to be penetrated by the drug. The medium chain saturated fatty acid structure in the Coconut Oil has a structure similar to viral fat sheath so the Coconut Oil can penetrate and kill viral hepatitis.     In addition, Coconut Oil also prevents damage to liver cells due to free radicals caused by viruses, drugs or alcohol because it has an effect as an antioxidant.     11. Cancer Because Coconut Oil has antibacterial effect then white blood cell is available enough to destroy and inhibit cancer cell growth. Animal studies have shown that Coconut Oil inhibits cancer cell growth causing colon and breast cancers.     In addition Coconut Oil has antioxidant properties that prevent the formation of free radicals trigger the onset of cancer and Coconut Oil helps boost the immune system to help the healing process.     12. Helps Lose Weight MCFA in the Coconut Oil can directly enter the bloodstream and converted into energy so it is not dumped in the body. When the Coconut Oil is burned it also burns long chain saturated fatty acids (LCFA) so that the stored fat becomes reduced and the weight will fall.
In addition Coconut Oil also gives energy quickly so that cause full satiety and not feel hungry until the time to eat The process of combustion and body temperature becomes higher so that increased body metabolism and burning body fat reserves.
13. Add Stamina
When the immune system declines, the body experiences physical fatigue characterized by weak muscles, headaches, fatal infections, fever, extreme fatigue and swollen glands Coconut Oil gives rapid energy and increase energy and boost the immune system so the body can recover itself.
14. Maintaining Health Skin Coconut Oil contains a natural moisturizer and helps keep skin moist and well used for skin that is keri ng, rough and scaly. Coconut Oil contains medium chain saturated fatty acids that easily enter the deep skin layer and maintain elasticity and elasticity of the skin. Coconut Oil is an antifungal and natural bacteria that helps prevent and treat skin infections, including skin fungal infections, eczema, ulcers, acne, and others.
15. Maintaining Hair Health Because small Coconut Oil molecules can then enter the hair shaft and maintain protein levels in hair and make hair more luminous and healthy. Coconut Oil contains a natural moisturizer that keeps moisture and prevents dryness of hair.
Coconut Oil has an antifungal effect so it is good to prevent and treat dandruff due to the growth of P. ovale fungus on the scalp.
Initial Reaction If You Consume Coconut Oil
Usually the initial reaction when consuming Coconut Oil in the form of stomach to heartburn until diarrhea. However, consumption should be continued by reducing the dose and as time goes on this reaction will decrease and disappear. It is recommended to consume Coconut Oil regularly, minimum 1 month to see the positive effect.

Senin, 27 November 2017

In this way inflammation of the lungs, sore throat, gingivitis and Flu you will heal.

Put a few slices of Onion in a bowl, stiffly put in the corner of your bedroom. then Pneumonia, flu, sore throat, gingivitis will heal.

Onion is absorbing viruses, bacteria and all toxins in your room.

Fastest and Natural Way to Overcome Pain Dental Dentistry

How to quickly overcome the pain due to cavities, which chew Garlic (not too soft, still shaped small) white, then insert into the hole of a sore tooth.

Garlic is nerve-wracking, and also anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial.

Overcoming Gum Disease with Natural Way

Gingivitis is very disturbing, resulting in extreme pain. this is because bacteria in the oral cavity infiltrate into the gums.

Garlic and onion are believed to absorb all toxins and bacteria. Sedamgkan garlic in addition to absorbing toxins also make the nerves relax.

So people with gingivitis inflammation of garlic that has been cut halfway through the day (don't swallowed / eaten) can reduce the pain of gingivitis. and also trap bacteria absorbed into the onion. then the onion after it is thrown away.

Senin, 13 November 2017


Skin, hair, as well as other body parts, require varied nutrients, not just one kind.
One of my colleagues asked me, as I no longer use soap and shampoo, what I bring for the materials if I travel long left home, how many alternative materials I carry.
I replied I was not so bother, I can use whatever is easy to get at that time, sometimes I take a bath using only salt, sometimes using coffee alone, sometimes with basil leaves only, aloe vera, leaf shoe, flower tea, sometimes do not use anything just water.
Once in a week, maybe a day or two a week (depending on the activity and weather), it's a good idea to take a bath only, to provide an opportunity for skin oil and skin acidity to protect and care for your skin.
After I learned practically when looking for a good oil for the skin, it turns out one of the best is our own skin oil. Skin oil works to protect skin from bacteria, moisturizes the skin, protects and cares for the skin, even contains vitamin E as a skin nutrition and prevents aging and wrinkles.
If your skin is less oil (and not treated) then your skin may be like a grandmother.
Oily skin-during normal production, is not a negative thing, it can even make your skin look younger. Just of course must be kept clean your skin. Otherwise, oil expenditure will be hampered by dirt and become acne. Stunted oil expenditure also, if accompanied by good body cleansing, may cause unpleasant aromas.
The use of soap is the cause of the loss of natural oil (sebum) from our skin. If the oil is gone, it certainly loses greatly, because we lose the incredible moisturizer, protector and skin nurse, and you can not buy at the store!
Perhaps 25% of teenagers around the world have acne and other skin disorders in varying degrees. And I dare say that the main cause is soap! If you want to stop acne, avoid using soap, body hygiene, drink plenty of water, eat more vegetables and fruits.
Our skin needs a variety of nutrients, we can wash with a solution of honey, lime, salt, aloe, etc. do not use caustic soda (soap) every day, do not torture and persecute your skin. The metal alone can be damaged by caustic soda, let alone your skin.
Reduce soap use; good for you, good for the environment.share if you care.
Soap substitute, shampoo, etc.

Kamis, 13 April 2017

Benefits Yoga for Health

Benefits Yoga for Health  of Practicing yoga every day can bring a number of health benefits.

 Yoga not only helps to control the disease, but also plays an important role to achieve relaxation and physical fitness. 
Here is among the benefits: Eliminate Depression and Stress: Certain yoga postures or movements to relieve stress from the body and mind. Children's yoga postures as posture, posture bent forward, feet to the wall, the cat posture, and support the head is considered good for relieving depression and stress. Tests have shown a positive feedback yoga on depression and stress, because participants reported decreased levels of depression sharply. See also: Calcium Benefits for the body Mandatory known! Controlling Hypertension: Yoga and relaxation techniques of yoga has a positive effect on blood pressure. Regular exercise on posture as Shavasana, and padmasana padmasana Baddha, along with pranayama techniques such as chandravedi and sheetali, helps reduce blood pressure.

 This posture keep your body and mind in a relaxed state. A study on the benefits of yoga in controlling blood pressure showed positive results, compared with placebo treatment. Yoga for a Healthy Heart: Yoga and lifestyle changes can help maintain a healthy heart and body. Poses and pranayama bhramari Ujjayi pranayama beneficial for the heart. Another pose as vajrasana, janushirasana, padahastasana and padmasana Baddha, along with pranayama techniques such as pranayama and chandra bhedi Sarala pranayama can do for a healthy body. A study conducted in people with coronary artery disease showed that by incorporating yoga into their normal routines, as well as changes in lifestyle and a healthy diet, the incidence of coronary artery disease is reduced drastically.  

Controlling diabetes: regular yoga practice can also help control diabetes.  

Some poses that can help control diabetes including Pavanamuktasana, ardhamatsyendrasana, gomukhasana, koormasana, Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana, and mayurasana. Regardless of poses, pranayama exercises such as suryabhedi, ujjayi and bhastrika also been prescribed for diabetes. 
 Tests on diabetic patniets showed positive results in most people who have undergone some sort of training yoga.  

Relieves pain: Yoga is also beneficial for individuals with lower back pain. Some yoga poses like the mountain pose, pigeon pose, poses walls and boards, and pose the child's body can help reduce lower back pain. Stomach Disorders: stomach problems can also be reduced by practicing yoga. Certain asanas or poses poses as Pavanamuktasana, padahastasana, and padangusthasana help control stomach problems, abdominal muscles, increase gastric fluid, and improve digestion. This pose is pose leaning forward - where we have to touch the legs without bending the knees and bring it forward to the limit of the palms should be under the foot easily. 

 It can be helpful for a variety of digestive problems. Osteoarthritis: Yoga is also good for the control of musculoskeletal pain, particularly osteoarthritis. The efficacy of yoga in osteoarthritis has been studied in people who suffer from osteoarthritis in the hand. And test results indicate that effective yoga practice helps osteoarthritis of the hand.  

Asthma and Bronchitis: Pranayama, or yogic breathing exercises good for asthmatics.

 Other yoga poses such as playing half back and pose dispose the wind combined with breathing techniques can nostril as a cure for asthma and bronchitis.  

See also: Causes of Heart Attack Yoga for weight loss: Surya Namaskara considered good to help you lose weight.  

Trikonasana Hasthasana and can also help you lose weight. Alleviate the conditions of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition characterized by pressure on the nerves in the wrist. 

 This condition causes weakness, numbness, tingling, and also can cause muscle damage in the hand or fingers. Yoga can reduce the effects of carpal tunnel syndrome significantly.  

Increase muscle and joint flexibility: Certain yoga poses can be a positive influence to the point of body joints and stress points. 

 Yoga can improve lubrication of joints, ligaments, and tendons, thus making it a flexible and functional. 

 Detoxification: Yoga ensures stretching of muscles and joints to be soft, with a comprehensive variety of exercises on the internal organs, which in turn will increase the blood supply to be optimal.  

Healthy blood flow is essential to remove the toxins and nourish every cell in the body. Yoga can inhibit the rate of aging and ensure the vitality of the body. 

Yoga can inhibit the rate of aging and ensure the vitality of the body.

  Benefits Namaskara Surya: Surya Namaskara, also known as sun salutations, is a series of 6 exercises of yoga terd

Psychotherapy With Yoga And Meditation

meditation with the goal of achieving silence are the conditions mentioned in various ancient texts. The most common technique is to focus the mind on something of the simplest but most important in life, which is the breath.This technique turns by some modern psychologists healing used for patients who have symptoms of psychological 'information overload'.  

Many of us that do not talk to focus, then discuss this topic in the conversation shifts and extends to the subject, shifting again to another topic, etc. psychological symptoms 'information overload' is the most severe as autism are difficult to focus on one thing. psychological symptoms 'information overload' impede one's career, for those who are studying too hard to catch the lessons of the teacher.techniques offered noleh bebebrapa psychologist is to train the mind to focus on the breath. for untrained be difficult and only last a few seconds. Sometimes the mind can run into everywhere, remember the door is not locked, remember a fight with a girlfriend, and so on. suggesting that recall that he was doing therapeutic concentrations, then immediately thought directed to watch the breath back.like meditation, when the mind run anywhere, then immediately navigate to return to the breath. if within 15 minutes you are better able to concentrate to breath as much as 80 percent of that being said meditation was successful. if it is so much better. train continued, unconsciously your brain will gradually become smarter and easier to capture a phenomenon that occurs in front of you then judge to complete.mind drift to nowhere during this meditation the mind imagines including meeting with the magical creatures, whether it's the trustees, the ancient king, until Doraemon. do not care about imagination and fantasy, immediately return it to focus on the breath. the instigators of contemplation is often the story that she met at the time of contemplation faerie, jinn or an ancient king rarely succeed in life and his career. Do not imitate the meditation that is not true.Good luck...

Coconut Oil: Anti Cancer, Anti Virus and Anti Aging.

Research and clinical trials have proven the efficacy and benefits of virgin coconut oil (VCO) to cure various diseases and other healthy life.
Kills viruses that cause mononucleosis, influenza, hepatitis C, chickenpox, herpes and other diseases.Kills bacteria that cause pneumonia, earache, throat infections, dental cavities, food poisoning, urinary tract infections, meningitis, gonorrhea, gangrenous wounds and still so many othersKills fungi and yeasts that cause candida, jock itch, ringworm, athlete's foot, diaper rash and other infections.Expels or kills tapeworms, lice, giardia and other parasites.Provides a nutritional source of quick energy.Increase energy and endurance, enhancing physical and athletic performance.Improve digestion and absorption of vitamins and amino acids that are fat soluble.

Improves insulin secretion and utilization of blood glucose.Relieves stress on pancreas and enzyme systems of the body.Helps relieve symptoms and reduce health risks associated with diabetes.Reduces problems associated with malabsorption syndrome and cystic fibrosis.

Improve the absorption of calcium and magnesium as well as supporting the development of strong bones and teeth.

Helps protect against osteoporosis.Helps relieve symptoms of gallbladder disease.Relieves symptoms associated with Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, and stomach ulcers.Reduces inflammation.

Supports healing and tissue repair.Supports and aids immune system function.

Helps protect the body from breast cancer, colon cancer and other cancers.Good for the heart; does not increase blood cholesterol or platelet stickiness.

Helps prevent heart disease, atherosclerosis and stroke.Helps prevent high blood pressure.Helps prevent periodontal disease and tooth decay.

Serves as a protective antioxidant.Helps protect the body from harmful free radicals that promote premature aging and degenerative diseases.Improves utilization of essential fatty acids and protects them from oxidation.

Relieve symptoms of chronic fatigue.Relieves the symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate).

Reduce pressure epileptis.Protect against kidney disease and bladder infections.Helps prevent liver disease.Lower calorie content than other fats maximum use for the treatment much better.Supports thyroid function.

Increase the metabolic activities that give the effect of weight loss is natural and stable (preventing obesity).Preventing infections when applied topically (through the skin).

Reduce the symptoms of psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis.Supports the skin's natural chemical balance.Softens skin and tightens the skin and flaking.Prevent wrinkles, sagging skin and age spots.

Healthy looking hair and complexion.Preventing damage ultraviolet radiation on the skin.Control dandruff.

Helps provide vitality and feel younger.Rejecting oxidation so as to provide protection against excessive oxidation.Virgin coconut oil At high temperatures does not form harmful substances such as vegetable oil on the other.

Does not have any harmful side effects when consumed.Is not toxic to humans.

Kamis, 30 Maret 2017

Organic Weight Loss: paperback

Rabu, 29 Maret 2017

Natural Weight Loss with Tamarine and Brown Sugar,

The ingredients are five finger turmeric provide thinly sliced, seven betel leaves, tamarind one finger, brown sugar to taste, salt to taste and two glasses of water.

How to make that turmeric and betel leaves should be washed clean. Then turmeric and betel leaf and add water, then boil about fifteen minutes, the container should be sealed. After boiling let stand briefly until the water gets warm and then add salt and brown sugar, and stir until evenly distributed and then filtered. Three times a day can be consumed each half a glass. Repeat until several weeks.

Natural Remedy Weight Loss

Natural Weight Loss // Natural Remedy // Weight Loss //
Sliming Tea // Natural Engridient //

#NaturalWeightLoss #NaturalRemedy #WeightLoss #SlimingTea #NaturalEngridient

The ingredients are prepared three tablespoons of tea leaves, an orange juice and water.

How to make that enter the tea leaves into the boiling water, let it run until the water is warm. Then enter the lime juice. After that, the mixture was stirred and filtered. The steeping water can be consumed a day twice each half a glass, can be taken morning and evening. Can be repeated a few weeks.





Simple Weight Loss with Natural Remedy

The ingreodients are prepared five segments turmeric cut into thin, seven pieces of betel leaf, three teaspoons of honey, half teaspoon of black cumin and half a glass of boiled water.

How to make that materials such as betel leaves, turmeric and black cumin should be washed thoroughly. Then these materials are mixed water is constantly crushed after it is squeezed. After that the juice be given honey, mix well then be consumed every day. Repeat until several weeks.

 Natural Weight Loss // Natural Remedy // Weight Loss // Sliming Tea // Natural Engridient // #NaturalWeightLoss #NaturalRemed





Rabu, 22 Maret 2017

Treating Gout With Carrot

Goud is a kind of disease that is caused due to the acid content in the body beyond the limits of reasonableness. Gout can lead to aching body outside and inside. By definition can be explained that gout is a purine residual substances that have been through the process of metabolism, which is derived from the food we eat. Among the most widely suffer from this disease are those aged over 30 years.

Factors that cause gout there are few. Among them is a diet that does not match the levels of health in which the food we consume contains high purine .. Uric acid is very disturbing activities of our work because it causes the joints to ache and nyut-nyut.

Today there are many manufacturers of drugs on the market claiming that its product can help lower uric acid levels.

You should remember, the product has been through a chemical process. Well, this article will give you a little hint brilliant normalize uric acid naturally, with ingredients that are easy to find. Want to know? Check out the explanation below:.

The materials must be prepared:

2 carrots
1 cucumber
8 celery leaves

Materials processing instructions:

Use a blender to smooth all the ingredients above. In addition to smooth, blender can also unites all three of the above ingredients.
After the completion of three ingredients have blended and mixed, pour into containers or glass.
Nourishing juice gout ready to be enjoyed. You can also add ice cubes to the juice to get the sensation of freshness more.
You are encouraged to regularly take the juice for 15 to 20 days without a break. The most recommended time is in the morning. This juice will be helpful to normalize excess uric acid levels and also help to keep the body always fit and can also meet the needs of fluids in the body.

Bitter Gourd Benefit for Health

Bitter gourd fruit according to the explanation from Wikipedia is a kind of fruit the vines with long, pointed at the tip and serrated surface of the fruit. Bitter gourd fruit thrives in low-lying areas and can be found growing wild in the land abandoned, dry land, planted a kitchen garden or home can also dbudidayakan. These plants grow vines or climbing the spiral-shaped tendrils, branched, smells with a single leaf stalks and located alternately. The fruit is elliptical with heart shaped base and dark green. Bitter gourd fruit has bitter taste, therefore very few people who like to consume fruit is bitter gourd. Bitter gourd fruit can be utilized as a wide variety of processed foods, among made into vegetable bitter gourd or Paria. From the bitter taste it turns bitter gourd fruit contains a lot of benefits for our bodies. Bitter gourd fruit is able to prevent and treat various chronic diseases. Bitter but healthy.

Here is the content of some of the beneficial agent in the fruit bitter gourd are beneficial for our bodies:

1. The fruit containing Albiminoid, carbohydrates and dye leaves contain bitter substances, fatty oils, resins acids, protein, iron, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A, B1 and C contained in the fruit bitter gourd, is useful to maintain the beauty of the skin. Namely to maintain the skin damage caused by the sting utra violet. This means the fruit of bitter gourd can prevent the appearance of black spots and wrinkles on the face. While its roots acidic and sour momordial aleonolat. While the seeds contain saponins, alkaloids, triterprenoid and momordial acid.

2. One of the benefits of bitter gourd to health is that it can be an antidote to the cancer cells. This has been demonstrated in a study in Japan. In that study, used a few mice injected cancer cells then were injected with extracts of bitter gourd. After they observed the development of cancer cells in mice, the results showed that the cancer cells were injected to stop growing. The results showed the benefits of bitter gourd fruit as an antidote to the cancer cells. These benefits can be obtained as bitter gourd contains substances that can boost immune lesichin to counteract the development of cancer cells. Not only that, bitter gourd fruit also contains some substances that can prevent cancer cells. So for you who are not cancer patients can eat bitter gourd fruit to prevent some cancers.

3. In addition to as food, bitter gourd is also used for treatment. The level of calcium in the fruit bitter gourd is high, so as to increase the production of beta cells in the pancreas to produce insulin. When insulin in the body sufficient, perhaps glucose flood buffer prevented, resulting in blood glucose levels will be normal or be controlled Phytochemical compounds lutein and lycopene in the fruit bitter gourd berkasiat as anti-cancer, antibiotic, antiviral, stimulating the production of insulin, balancing blood pressure and blood sugar levels, appetite stimulant and repellent intestinal worms. Prof Lee-Huang of the University of New York also found an amazing substance in fruit bitter gourd, namely anti HIV-AIDS compounds, namely alpha-momorchorin, beta-momorchorin and MAP 30 (Momordica antiviral protein 30). This nutritious substances found in many old bitter gourd seeds. In America alone, capsules containing bitter gourd seed powder is commonly recognized dipasarkan.Obat can withstand the rate of progression of HIV-AIDS virus. Thanks to the bitter gourd fruit therapy, those with HIV-AIDS in Thailand and the United States seem more clinically healthy and her weight increased. Not exaggerating, if the experts in the medical world is optimistic in the next 10 years, will be discovered drugs to fight HIV-AIDS.

4. Fruit bitter gourd are also rich in fiber, vitamin C, carotene, and potassium. Fiber is good for maintaining digestive health, and carotene can increase the activity and health of the eye, such as carotene in carrots. Potassium has the ability to cope with excessive sodium consumption so as to make the blood vessels more flexible, so it is good for heart health. While vitamin C in fruit bitter gourd have properties maintain the beauty and cope with threats from ultra violet rays. Well it turns out it turns bitter gourd fruit beneficial for beauty also right .., is because every 100 grams of bitter gourd containing 120 ml of vitamin C. The fruit turns bitter gourd is not a lot of properties, and how about a sense of bitterness, you can soak them premises water several times , or wash it with brine, undoubtedly a bitter taste will be lost.

5. Section bitter gourd which has benefit among others: bitter gourd young used as medicine
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Eggplan beefit for Hearth, prevent Cancer and Cholesterol

Eggplant contains many vitamins and minerals that make the benefits of eggplant for good health. Nutrients contained in eggplant may even prevent serious health problems, such as cancer.

10 Efficacy and Eggplant For Health Benefits - Health Benefits
Eggplant Benefits To Health

Here are 10 properties and benefits of eggplant which will be described, including digestion, helps to lose weight (diet), prevent cancer, heart health, prevent anemia, improve brain function, bone health, helps lower cholesterol, as an antibacterial and antiviral, as well as for skin beauty.

1. Smooth Digestion

Like other vegetables, eggplant is also a good source of dietary fiber. Fiber is very important for digestive health because they may lead to bowel movements so it can be removed easily through the digestive tract.

2. Help Lose Weight

Eggplants contain almost no fat or cholesterol altogether, therefore, eggplant may be appropriate food for those trying to lose weight or obese. The fiber content in eggplant can give the effect of making feel full longer, so it can reduce the chances of overeating.

3. Prevent Cancer

Eggplant contains vitamin C, which is an important part of the immune system, because it can stimulate the production and activity of white blood cells. Has a high antioxidant levels in your body will help protect the system of organs throughout your body from infection and malignancies, including cancer and heart disease.

4. Heart Health

Fiber, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and phytonutrients in eggplant are all supported in heart health. According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, eating foods containing flavonoids was associated with lower risk of death resulting from heart disease.

5. Prevent Anemia

Eating foods that are high in iron to fight anemia, in which the eggplant has the amount of iron that can be sufficient for the body. Eggplant Vegetables are also rich in copper substances, yatu important component of red blood cells. Without these two minerals, the number of red blood cells in the body could have been steadily decreasing. Thus the consumption of eggplant can prevent anemia.

6. Improve Brain Function

Phytonutrients contained in eggplant has been known to enhance cognitive abilities and overall mental health. By combating free radicals, these substances can protect the brain against disease and toxins, and also support the blood flow throughout the brain.

7. Bone Health

Eggplant has a large number of substances copper and vitamin K, together with phenol may also help prevent osteoporosis, increase bone mineral density, bone strength and overall bone health. This is because copper substances can maintain collagen formation of connective tissue and bone.

8. Help Lower Cholesterol

Studies have shown that eggplant can be beneficial to heart health because of its ability to fight inflammation and oxidative stress. Nutrition on eggplant has proven beneficial in maintaining healthy blood cholesterol levels because of the ability of phytonutrients that can improve circulation and reduce the buildup of plaque in the major arteries, including the aorta.

9. As Antibacterial and Antivirus

Eggplant has a number of vitamin C to make the eggplant as a source of antibacterial and antiviral and effective.

10. Make Skin Smoother and Shine

Eggplants are rich in minerals, vitamins, and dietary fiber. It can also have an impact on the health of the skin, which makes skin softer. Eggplant also has a number of pretty good moisture content. This can help in keeping the body and skin well hydrated.

Benefits of Tomato Juice Mixed Yardlong bean for diabetes

Benefits of Tomato Juice Mixed Yardlong bean for health, especially for people with diabetes must be special attention, because it is very powerful. Various types of medicines made from herbs began to appear recently.

Actually natural ingredients is better to process into treatment techniques and consumed, because there are no harmful side effects to our health. Some time before this came the discovery of china country, that there is a herbal drink which is able to treat diabetes. The herbal drinks are found are herb tomato juice mixed with beans. This drink is very famous now, many people with diabetes have started consuming tomato juice mixed green beans.

Diabetes is one disease that is feared and many strike today. Diabetes is also commonly known as diabetes, the cause of this disease caused by a variety of existing hereditary factors and patterns of daily life that are not healthy. Most diabetics are those that prefer to ignore healthy lifestyle. Food consumed is not balanced so that trigger the emergence of this disease

Diabetes type I disease is usually known as the others, namely insulin dependent diabetes. According to the data, there are about 10% of people who suffer from this type of diabetes. The body of the sufferer is unable to produce insulin. That why people with Type I diabetes requires regular insulin injections to maintain blood sugar levels to keep it normal.

Diabetes type II. The disease is also called non-insulin dependent. Well, this type of diabetes is most common in the community, about 85% of people suffering from type II diabetes. People with this type of diabetes produce some insulin, but the amount is insufficient or defective.

Symptoms of Diabetes

We need to know what are the early symptoms of diabetes appear, so that we can prevent the risk of developing diabetes.
Easily exhausted. When a person feels tired easily when performing daily activities, usually it happens dikarena no problems or interference with one of her organs. You should immediately consult a doctor.
Weight continues to decline with no known cause is also one of the early symptoms of diabetes.
Often feel thirsty. A person with diabetes are frequent urination, so a lot of fluid out of the body trigger thirst.
Changes in skin color becomes dark especially on the back of the neck area. This caused a lot of insulin in the body to produce pigment.
Start weakening eyesight. Due to glucose levels in the blood which is constantly increasing, thus making less focused vision.
Polifagia or often experienced hunger.
When there wounds on the body, it will be a long time to heal.
Decreasing fungsisaraf.

In the above discussion, it has been explained that there is an invention of china country who say that the discovery of potent herbal ingredients to treat diabetes. Tomato juice mixed chickpea is a herbal medicine to treat diabetes. A medical expert revealed that long bean juice will stimulate inslet lengerhan on the sidelines of the pancreatic tissue to produce insulin. From research conducted over the past ten years that chickpea mix tomato juice is very effective stimulate the pancreas, spleen, and liver.

Turmeric Benefit for Health

Plants of Zingiberaceae family is growing very well  easily found in the market. The main part of turmeric that have medicinal properties are located rhizome in the ground.Turmeric is no stranger to mothers, usually add in cooking as a seasoning herb. Turmeric is also used as a natural dye cuisine that is not carcinogenic, does not cause any side effects and safe for consumption even in large numbers. In addition to color, he also gave a distinctive aroma and can cover the unpleasant odors that emerge from the eggs and meat.Turmeric tastes a bit bitter with a mixture of slightly spicy, distinctive smell aromatic, yellow and non-toxic. The main chemical compounds contained in turmeric is the volatile oil and kurkuminoid. The yellow color comes from turmeric kurkuminoid containing curcumin. Typical aroma is of essential oils that contain alcohol sesquiterpene. Turmeric also contains protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, fat and gum.Efficacy of turmericTurmeric has been used for over 2500 years in India, where he was most likely first used as a dye and medicine. Turmeric is widely used in Ayurvedic medicine, because it has antiseptic and antibacterial qualities, has the same effect with the fluoride to the teeth, cure psoriasis and inflammation of the joints, and helps digestive problems and depression.Some of the benefits of turmeric for health:

In addition to having antimicrobial activity, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral properties, turmeric is also potentially increase the amount of antioxidants in the body. Curcumin, a natural phenolic compound in turmeric, is useful to boost immunity.
Turmeric potential in the treatment of cancer. In patients with cancer, the cancer cells spread through the blood vessels (metastasis) and its network into tumors. Angiogenesis also occurs, ie the growth of new blood vessels that spread towards the tumor to supply nutrients, oxygen and circulation dirt. Curcumin treat cancer by inhibiting the rate of growth of new blood vessels are.
Women who are having problems with menstruation can use turmeric to overcome. Pharmacological effects of turmeric can be launched and menstrual blood and reduce pain and fatigue coming months.
As a natural anticoagulant, turmeric can inhibit blood clotting and prevent thrombosis.
Turmeric may lower blood pressure, treat diarrhea, stomach pain, asthma, appendicitis, and rheumatism.
Natural analgesic properties of turmeric works by inhibiting Cox-2, which triggers pain. With analgesic and antiinflammatory properties, turmeric can cure arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Dementia can be slowed by frequent consumption of turmeric in the diet. Alzheimer's disease is one of the dementia that occurs commonly in old age, when the physical capacity of the brain is reduced. Turmeric has the potential to extend the term of the brain's cognitive abilitas. Several studies have shown that elderly people in Asia who frequently consume curry (curry) containing turmeric has a better memory than seniors in other continents.Products made from turmericNowadays there are various products on the market that use turmeric as a main ingredient or extra into the mix. Among them is medicinal. Jamu basically means "strong medicine" or "cure all" and a local healing system that originated from Indonesia. Turmeric is a natural herbal ingredients that have been used since antiquity. Turmeric herbs or herbal ingredients used by the women to lighten the color of the skin and make it healthy, smooth and seamless. That's because turmeric has antiseptic activity that can relieve itching and bacterial infections such as acne. Turmeric herbal medicine can rejuvenate body aches and fatigue. In women, herbs turmeric can prevent the onset of cysts or uterine cancer, because turmeric has anti-cancer activity.However, today's pattern of life has been increasingly modern, the public is increasingly busy and no time to use conventional turmeric. Some manufacturers have sold turmeric in powder form that is practical and easy to use and durable, with a long expiration date. Turmeric in the form of powder and capsules that are available in health stores with a dose of about 250-500 mg per capsule. Turmeric is also used by the cosmetics industry in sunscreen cream, hair removal products and scar treatment.

Efficacy of Gingger

1. Since the first Ginger is used as a medicine, or herbs and miscellaneous
other needs. Ginger can stimulate the digestive glands, good for
awaken the appetite and digestion.
2. Ginger is used as seasoning especially efficacious to add
appetite, strengthens the stomach, and improves digestion. It is possible
because terangsangnya mucous membrane of stomach and intestine by essential oils
issued ginger tuber.
3. Oil ginger contains gingerol typical aromatic ginger, efficacious to prevent and
treat nausea and vomiting, such as motion sickness or in women who
less-than-six-month pregnancy.
4. It also was keen to stimulate the appetite, strengthen the intestinal muscles,
help remove intestinal gas and help the heart function.
5. In traditional Asian medicine, ginger is used to treat colds, coughs, diarrhea and inflammatory diseases
joints such as arthritis.
6. Ginger is also used to improve the cleaning of the body
through sweat.
7. • Lowers blood pressure. This is because ginger stimulates the release of hormones
adrenaline and widens blood vessels, resulting in blood flowing faster
and smooth and lighten the work of the heart pumps blood.
8. • Helps digestion, because ginger contains digestive enzymes are proteases
and lipase, which each digest proteins and fats ..
9. • Gingerol in ginger is an anticoagulant, which prevents blood clotting. So
to prevent blockage of blood vessels, a major cause of stroke, and attacks
heart. Gingerol also thought to help lower cholesterol levels.

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10. • Prevents nausea, because ginger is able to block serotonin, a chemical that
can cause the stomach to contract, causing nausea. including nausea
due to drunken trip.
11. • Creating a comfortable stomach, relieve stomach cramps.
12. • Ginger also contains antioxidants that help neutralize the damaging effects
caused by free radicals in the body.
13. Ginger as Medicine Practical
14. Ginger is a natural pain reliever and can relieve pain
rheumatism, headaches, and migraine. How, drinking ginger 3 times
a day. Can also drink wedang round, ginger candy, or
add ginger when the soup, stew, or rendang.
15. The leaves are also nutritious ginger, among others, with crushed and given little water can be
used as a compress on headache medicine and can be sprinkled into the face
people who are shivering.
16. While the tuber pounded and boiled in water
boil for about ½ hour, then water can be drunk as a medicine
to strengthen the digestion of food and expel gas in it, treat liver
swelling, cough and fever.
17. To treat rheumatoid arthritis prepare 1 or 2 bulbs ginger. Heat tubers
above the fire or coals and then crushed. Paste collision ginger
body parts arthritic pain. Another way is dengam mashing together cloves,
and affixed to the body of rheumatism.
18. Ginger can also be used to treat wounds because of blisters, stabbed a sharp object,
exposed spines, fall, and snake bites. The trick bulbs ginger and crushed red
add a little salt. Put on the injured body part.
mashed tubers can also be used as a liniment on itch for
insect stings.