Selasa, 17 Agustus 2021

Meditation to cleans your Chakra

How to Clean Your Chakras Through Meditation?
According to ancient Vedic philosophy, the harmonious functioning of our Chakras ensures overall physical and mental well-being. Guided meditation is one of the simple self-help techniques used for chakra-cleansing. Practicing the following steps after a week can help contribute to your overall health and well-being- Traditional Hindu Heart Chakra Diagram
Step 1 - Lie down or sit in a comfortable position
Step 2 - close your eyes and deep breathe
Step 3 - Focus on your breathing
Step 4 - Imagine that you are taking in light and energy with every breath and exhaling-all your stress with every out breath
Step5-After a while you will start to feel calm and relaxed
Step6-Now imagine a white ray of light entering the body through the soles of the feet
Step 7- Let it travel to the base of your spine, feeling it circulate in that area and letting it dissolve all blockages from the root chakra You. See blockages as black soot covering your chakras. As the black soot dissipates it will reveal an earthy red root chakra. Tell myself I'm grounded and confident?
Step 8 - Let the light now move towards your sacral chakra, below your navel, around your genital area. Let the light dissolve any blockages from this chakra, seeing it as a spinning orange mass or an orange spinning wheel. Tell myself I let go of all my fears and express my desires freely?.
Step 9 - Look at the light clearing your solar plexus (6 inches above the belly button). Let this swirling white light cleanse your bright yellow chakra. Tell myself I accept myself as I am and I respect others for who they are?
Step 10 - Let the light now move towards your heart chakra. Watching your chakras clear, feel the pulsing pink/red/green chakra in the area between your breasts. Tell myself now to receive and give love freely?
Step 11 - Feel the light moving in a circular motion around your throat area. Watching your throat chakra clear, you will see a pale blue spinning wheel or a light blue rotating mass appear. Tell myself now to express myself freely and fearlessly?
Step 12 - Let the light travel to your third eye chakra, the area between your eyebrows. Feel it clear your indigo/purple colored chakra. Tell myself I'm focused, alert and at peace with myself?
Step 12 - Let the light finally move up towards the crown of your head. Just watch it move up towards the sky. Now silently pray for guidance and ask the universe to silence your ego and help you reach a higher level of consciousness
Step 13 - Relax
Step 12 - Slowly open your eyes

meditation // cleans chakra // physical health // mental health // woman health //


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