Kamis, 13 April 2017

Psychotherapy With Yoga And Meditation

meditation with the goal of achieving silence are the conditions mentioned in various ancient texts. The most common technique is to focus the mind on something of the simplest but most important in life, which is the breath.This technique turns by some modern psychologists healing used for patients who have symptoms of psychological 'information overload'.  

Many of us that do not talk to focus, then discuss this topic in the conversation shifts and extends to the subject, shifting again to another topic, etc. psychological symptoms 'information overload' is the most severe as autism are difficult to focus on one thing. psychological symptoms 'information overload' impede one's career, for those who are studying too hard to catch the lessons of the teacher.techniques offered noleh bebebrapa psychologist is to train the mind to focus on the breath. for untrained be difficult and only last a few seconds. Sometimes the mind can run into everywhere, remember the door is not locked, remember a fight with a girlfriend, and so on. suggesting that recall that he was doing therapeutic concentrations, then immediately thought directed to watch the breath back.like meditation, when the mind run anywhere, then immediately navigate to return to the breath. if within 15 minutes you are better able to concentrate to breath as much as 80 percent of that being said meditation was successful. if it is so much better. train continued, unconsciously your brain will gradually become smarter and easier to capture a phenomenon that occurs in front of you then judge to complete.mind drift to nowhere during this meditation the mind imagines including meeting with the magical creatures, whether it's the trustees, the ancient king, until Doraemon. do not care about imagination and fantasy, immediately return it to focus on the breath. the instigators of contemplation is often the story that she met at the time of contemplation faerie, jinn or an ancient king rarely succeed in life and his career. Do not imitate the meditation that is not true.Good luck...

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